Where have I been?
Monday: took auggie (3 year old) to the dr. and found out he had croup.
Tuesday: babies started to seem a little sick.
Wednesday: took babies in to the dr. and found out they also had croup. Of course!
Thursday: babies had a rough night, started lots of wheezing. Took them back to the dr. to find out they both have rsv. Oscar is admitted to the hospital. Lola is treated at home and at the hospital for suctioning.
Late that night auggies ear drum ruptures.....what! The one night that I am not home with him!?
Friday: oscar comes home!
Saturday, sunday: continue breathing treatments and hospital suctioning... And lots of love.
Monday: take auggie to the ENT because his ear is ozzing, yuck! Find out that he has strep! Yougottabefreakinkiddingme!
Tuesday: take babies back to the dr. for rsv follow up...are you ready?....both babies have ear infections! Bring it on.
Insert crying from just about everyone in this house inbetween all of that, and you pretty much have my last few weeks.
Don't be jealous.

Monday: took auggie (3 year old) to the dr. and found out he had croup.
Tuesday: babies started to seem a little sick.
Wednesday: took babies in to the dr. and found out they also had croup. Of course!
Thursday: babies had a rough night, started lots of wheezing. Took them back to the dr. to find out they both have rsv. Oscar is admitted to the hospital. Lola is treated at home and at the hospital for suctioning.
Late that night auggies ear drum ruptures.....what! The one night that I am not home with him!?
Friday: oscar comes home!
Saturday, sunday: continue breathing treatments and hospital suctioning... And lots of love.
Monday: take auggie to the ENT because his ear is ozzing, yuck! Find out that he has strep! Yougottabefreakinkiddingme!
Tuesday: take babies back to the dr. for rsv follow up...are you ready?....both babies have ear infections! Bring it on.
Insert crying from just about everyone in this house inbetween all of that, and you pretty much have my last few weeks.
Don't be jealous.

posted from Bloggeroid
Poor babies! And poor Mama!!!
Poor babies and mommy! That is so tough. I have my fingers crossed that you will all be healthy ASAP.
Oh. My. Goodness.
You are a champion for making it through that kind of a week!
I hope that everyone is on the mend, and that you get to catch up on lots of sleep!
you poor thing! I am so sorry for you and your little ones. I hope they all start feeling better asap!
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